Johnny, Jackie, Jobs & chatGPT


My LinkedIn Jackie Gleeson and Chat and Jobs article

Light Work and Humor Chat

Jackie put into words, in such a way, the way that he was known for, in that voice and phrasing of his, he put into words a gem about why we sometimes leave a job, or a manager (if you read some posts), or workplace.

Chat GPT, or chat, cleaned up the transcript text of this gem from Jackie. A pyscript would have taken me 5 minutes or more, using text formatting, <shudder / on>. The Youtube transcripts of that conversation have nasty timestamps, and are highly unformatted.

The Carson Show youtube clip, the thirty seconds, is just enough of a statement to make a good quote.

Johnnie could always bring out the best in people, he added such a dimension to evening variety, still not echoed or imitated today.

It is a great quote from Jackie, answering Carsons’ “Why did Jackie leave the successful Honeymooners show?”

“Cause it’s so successful… well, we were running out of ideas. And, uh, I like the honeymoons. I like doing them. And I didn’t want to denigrate them by, you know, forcing scenes that didn’t mean anything, right? So I wanted to quit. And they didn’t believe me. They thought I had another job someplace, right? But I didn’t. And I’m glad I did stop them, because what we had done was good. And if we had gone any further, we might have spoiled it. Yeah.”

Jackie is speaking right to tech!!

I can’t stand it when the ending of a great thing/job is on the Horizon. But I like how chat helped me reformat the youtube junk text. It also gave assistance with some punctuation and was able to add a second formatting with the prompt of ~ try and capture Jackie, his voice, his intonation ~ on the subject of ending a great thing.

Jackie captures the feeling of a great work situation, for him his great show the Honeymooners. What it was about for him and how it had real creativeness and purpose to it. He captured it in his answer to why it ended.

Have you every left with this same feeling, we can call that feeling that Jackie captured the undefinable “it”, it seems to be leaving, over or is gone. It is very personal, what makes work all so fantastic and enjoyable. Is it ok to have a feeling based opinion of your workplace and situation?

Jackie nailed it, Johnny brought it out, and chat made it easy to find and share and format.

Here is how chat helped me enjoy imagining a metaphor of Jackie’s work place story.

from chat

Sure, here’s an example of how we could repurpose Jackie Gleason’s words to describe someone leaving a job they feel has run its course:

When you’re in a job for a while, you start to feel like you’ve done everything there is to do. You don’t want to keep going through the motions and lose the realness and greatness that you once had. You don’t want to force scenes that don’t mean anything, or denigrate the work you’ve already done. It takes a sense of conviction and pride to recognize when it’s time to leave that job, to trust that what you’ve accomplished is good, and to know that if you keep going any further, you might spoil it. It’s important to know when to move on and find new challenges, rather than clinging to something that has already run its course.

This passage uses Gleason’s sense of conviction and pride to describe the importance of recognizing when it’s time to leave a job that has grown stale and find new challenges to pursue. It emphasizes the importance of trusting in the work you’ve already done, while also recognizing the need to move on to new opportunities when the time is right.

One point to make is that, what chat said is not perfect, and might not be a persons full creative thoughts on the matter. It is an interesting set of statements, and is enjoyable to review, as much as watching old Carson reruns on YouTube to mine out these mid century gems. Maybe a next article feature will be Johnny and Dangerfield; don’t tempt me muses.

After quizzing chat about Gleason’s other quotes and characters, it is clear that chat can be quite wrong and get confused. It is a skill to use chat to research technical issues, program code, Azure Dev Ops, etc… etc … Just beware of the limitations, just like any other search engine.

I hesitate to use human like words, confused, or other emotions, when describing chat. But if the shoe fits, in terms of the text and words and ‘apparent’ statements from chat, the so be it. Chat gets confused, is wrong. Beware.

No need to go into how to use chat, in verbose. But I prefer to ask it questions in deadpan, third party style. It helps to remind me to look for chat faults. Phrase questions for a Mr. Spock. I personally am interested in chat for technical and app/software training boosts. Fater learning than “just” google. It is a nice add on tool

So in closing, here is chatBUFORD-GLEASON for your pleasure:

  1. “What we’re dealin’ with here is a complete lack of respect for the law.”
  2. “That sumbitch is leaking gas like a stuck pig!”
  3. “You can’t talk to me like that, I’m a sheriff!”
  4. “The goddamn Germans got nothin’ to do with it!”
  5. “I’m not gonna go quietly, I’m gonna go kickin’ and screamin’!”
  6. “The evidence is circumstantial, but… Oh, hell, so’s everything else in this case!”
  7. “Why didn’t you tell me your name was Snowman? I’da put that on the side of my car!”

End of article

Roll credits

cutting floor

The joke plays on a common misconception or misunderstanding of the word “germane”, which means relevant or pertinent to the matter at hand. In this case, the Georgia sheriff is saying that the fact that the Texas sheriff is from Texas is not relevant to the issue they are dealing with in Georgia. However, the Texas sheriff mishears “germane” as “Germans”, and responds with confusion by asking why the Georgia sheriff is bringing Germans into the situation.

The humor of the joke lies in the miscommunication between the two law enforcement officers. The Texas sheriff’s confusion and response is unexpected and humorous because it is not related to what the Georgia sheriff was saying, and because it plays on the similarity between the words “germane” and “Germans”. Additionally, the joke touches on the jurisdictional issues that can arise when law enforcement officers from different states are involved in a situation, adding another layer of humor to the situation.



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